Life & Death

September 1, 2017

It has been a cool 2 months since my last blog. For that I apologize. When I tell you that life has thrown me some curve balls....I'm in the throes of it rett nah! I'm going to just jump right into the heavy hitting stuff:

Me, Justin & Justin's Mom at her bday party <3

My friend Justin Wilson passed away July 6. I had known him for a whole 13 years. We even worked together for a couple years before he had a stroke that not only harmed him, but made him stop doing work that he loved. But he bounced back! He was stronger than ever. Funny and sarcastic and annoyingly honest and always and bout to embark on the new chapter of his life as a husband and stepfather.

He was always there for a good laugh, a shoulder to lean on, a good time and ready to have your back if any shit popped off. I was happy for my friend. I was rooting for my friend. I was ready to accompany him on that journey. He's gone entirely too soon. It was ridiculous and surreal to stare at him in that casket. To see that same shit eating grin he was always wore. To realize I would never see him alive again Rest easy friend. Until we meet again.

me and Alicia...also work on me by Alicia #PoseArtistry

My sista-friend Alicia Williams passed away Sunday, August 6 and I'm still reeling and trying to process the emotions from that. I loved this girl. She was positive, real, beautiful, talented. She truly inspired me. Our calls and texts/messages were literally like hype sessions lol. I literally felt like I could take over the world after talking to her and really find my niche catering to women AND people who look like me.

She encouraged me in my educational/business endeavors and she bounced ideas off of me. She was an introvert to my extrovert and I learned to adapt in a way that didn't drain all her damn energy lol. I can truly say I am blessed to have had her in my life for the short 3 years that we knew each other. She is a loss not only to those who knew and loved her, but also to our local makeup artist community at large.

I'm so glad she's no longer suffering nor bothered with these worldly problems, but that doesn't lessen the blow.

Until next time y'all,
Bougie Beauty Babe
Copyright © Bougie Beauty Babe
Design by Fearne